Security System and CCTV

The building is open 24 hours a day 7 days a week, 365 days. With this in mind, an up to date security system is essential to ensure that tenants and visitors are safe when working in the office late at night. When Acre 1176 first took over the building, we felt that it was unsafe and needed better security to ensure that tenants were safe and felt reassured. At this point, there were only 5 security cameras in the whole of the building. We’ve since added a significant amount of additional cameras, bringing the total number of cameras to 90! We’re now adequately covering all the areas in the building, apart from areas such as the kitchens, toilets, and corridors.
Towards the end of November, we’ll be introducing a door security system, which will operate between the hours of 7pm – 7am Monday to Friday and Saturday 8am – 12pm. During this time, only tenants with a fob will be able to gain access to the building, and they will only have access to the floor their office is on.